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Finding Storage Units For Oversized Items

Hello, my name is Thomas Rickertz. Welcome to my website about acquiring storage units for large items. When I moved across country, I could not take many of my furniture or artwork with me. The average storage unit was just not big enough for all of my belongings, so I set out to find a suitable solution. Eventually, I found a storage facility with the unit sizes and configurations that I needed. On this site, I hope to help others understand how to select the perfect storage unit type and size for their needs. Please come back soon to learn more about this helpful topic.


Rent A Storage Unit To Help You With Flipping Products

19 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you are living in an apartment, condo, or single-family home, you may find that you are limited in storage space when it comes to storing merchandise for flipping purposes. The quickest and easiest way to solve this issue is by renting a storage unit as you can gain a lot more storage. If you want to have the smoothest experience with using a storage unit, especially for selling items, you should figure out what to prioritize when looking around. Read More …

Renting A Storage Unit? Avoid Placing These Things In It

24 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you're looking to clear space around your home, a great option is to use a storage unit to gain some additional square footage that you're lacking. It can be a wonderful place to store seasonal decorations, baby clothes and toys for another kid, and other things that you want to hold onto for another day. However, not all things should go into your storage unit, and you should avoid placing the following things in one. Read More …